Pelican github pages workflow

by Sergio Rossell - 21 Dec 2019
Tags: #github

Building an deploying a website with Pelican and github.

This is short description of how I deployed this website using pelican and githubpages.

The theme of this page is a modification of Claudio Walser's fh5co theme. The workflow is modified from a workflow by Joel Zeldes at anotherdatum.

First create a repository with a master and a source branch. In the source branch is where you will develop your pelican website. The master branch is used for publishing the site.

You'll need to create a folder in .git/hooks/pre-push with the follwing content.

while read local_ref local_sha remote_ref remote_sha
        if [ "$remote_ref" = "refs/heads/source" ]
                echo 'pushing output folder (production version) to master...'
                pelican content -o output -s
                ghp-import --branch=master output
                git push --force master
                pelican content -o output

exit 0

To get the workflow to work in my case, I added the --branch=master option for ghp-import and pushed to master. Also, I had to create an ssh key. I also added the --force option to git push.